THE MAGIC CANDLE III - Version 1.16 Upgrade ============================================ HOW TO UPDATE YOUR FILES: ------------------------- 1) Insert the update disk into appropriate floppy drive. Type the drive letter containing the update disk, followed by a colon and {Enter}. Example A: {Enter} 2) Type: COPY *.* C:\MC3 (If using a directory other than C:\MC3 then type that directory in) 3) Type the MC3 hard drive letter followed by a colon and press {Enter}. Example C: {Enter} 4) Your game has been updated ! * NOTE: For Magic Candle Game Hints and Help, type HELP, which will display most commonly asked technical and game hint questions. *WARNING: SPECIFIC GAME HINTS ARE GIVEN! PROBLEMS FIXED IN THIS VERSION: - The Charter/Scepter exchange was damaged by version 1.15 update, it is fixed in version 1.16. Also fixed is the related problems with Garz having zero coins when invited into party, Garz having trouble recognizing the hero or joining party if he was dismissed before charter/scepter exchange. - Mirror of Honesty and candle Wick were assigned to same treasure chest. This is fixed so that digging up both items in version 1.16 works correctly, if you have a save in version 1.10 with wick then the necesary DEBUG commands are given below to "repair" that save. - Characters transfered from Magic Candle II were not getting benefits when awakening gods. - NPC text for clues being displayed improperly, or wrong messages appearing. - Characters on assignment not showing correct amount of gold earned. ALSO INCLUDED: - Updated sound drivers to fix problems with Creative Labs' drivers not working with newer Creative Labs' Sound Blaster cards. - ICD.EXE and ICE.EXE to disable and reenable the internal cache on 486 machines that may have conflicts with sound drivers due to machine cache speed. COMMANDS TO "FIX" 1.10 SAVE GAMES WITH WICK BUT NO MIRROR CAUTION: Always make backups of saved games before using DEBUG !! 1) Type: DEBUG DBSAVx.MCS {Enter} (where x is save game letter A-H) 2) Type: e2312 {Enter} This will show a number just before the cursor, subtract 2 from number, type it in & press Enter. Example: 0E15:2312 17. [You would type in 15 and press Enter] 3) Type: w {Enter} 4) Type: q {Enter} ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ - Special Note for 486/50 Mhz machines and Sound Blaster soundcards - Problems may occur with Sound Blaster soundcards when attempting to play music on a 486 machine running at 50 Mhz speed. Included are 2 files: ICD.EXE and ICE.EXE - the former to disable the internal cache on the 486 and the latter to reenable the cache. Usage: icd - disables the internal cache ice - enables the internal cache ** WARNING: IF YOU DO NOT HAVE A 486 COMPUTER, DO NOT RUN THESE PROGRAMS!! ** Thanks to Michael Spertus - CompuServe #70313,2520 for these programs. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ FOR PLAYERS EXPERIENCING PROBLEMS WITH INSTALLING MC3: Below are instructions for doing the manual installation of MC3, for those players unable to install the game. 1) Type in letter of desired hard drive followed by a colon and press {Enter}. Example: C: {Enter} 2) Type: CD \ 3) Type: MKDIR \MC3 4) Type: CD \MC3 5) Place update disk in floppy drive and copy file DCMP.EXE to hard drive. Example, COPY A:DCMP.EXE 6) Copy and decompress the compress game files: ------------------------------ For 3 1/2" Floppy disk version: ------------------------------ Place Disk #1 of MC3 into floppy drive and copy file MC3A.CMP to hard drive. Example, COPY A:MC3A.CMP Type: DCMP E MC3A.CMP Place Disk #2 of MC3 into floppy drive and copy file MC3B.CMP to hard drive. Example, COPY A:MC3B.CMP Type: DCMP E MC3B.CMP Place Disk #3 of MC3 into floppy drive and copy file MC3C.CMP to hard drive. Example, COPY A:MC3C.CMP Type: DCMP E MC3C.CMP Type: DEL MC3*.CMP ------------------------------ For 5 1/4" Floppy Disk version: ------------------------------ Place Disk #1 of MC3 into floppy drive and copy files MC3A.CMP and MC3B.CMP to hard drive. Example, COPY A:MC3*.CMP Type: DCMP E MC3A.CMP Type: DCMP E MC3B.CMP Place Disk #2 of MC3 into floppy drive and copy file MC3C.CMP to hard drive. Example, COPY A:MC3C.CMP Type: DCMP E MC3C.CMP Type: DEL MC3*.CMP 7) Place update disk in floppy drive and copy file SETUP.EXE to hard drive. Example, COPY A:SETUP.EXE 8) Type: SETUP to run setup and make sure configuration is ok (make changes as needed) and then select CONFIGURE before choosing EXIT. 9) Follow update instructions to copy files from update disk to hard drive.